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Insights & Lessons From Over 100 Business Cases

In this series of articles and other materials, I will reveal some of the insights I’ve gained from my experience helping over 100 businesses from all kinds of industries and from all over the United States and Canada.

The primary charge was helping these clients make more money with their businesses.

In the process, work was typically done also on efficiencies, systems and more, and all the while, great efforts were carried out to teach the business owners and their team on how to go about business better, so they could continue growing better and better results.


While I taught a lot of clients, I also gained a lot of knowledge, both from the experience, from the clients and from observing their businesses and how they conducted their daily operations.

From the experience of these, over 100 plus cases, I'm drawing out insights and lessons that I think will be valuable to any and all business owners.

We will look at what makes business owners and businesses unsuccessful, and what makes them successful.

We will look at what you should do and what not to do.

And we will look at how to turn things into better results.

What you'll get:

  • Individual Articles In This Series
  • Insights and Lessons
  • Videos
  • Membership Portal Where You Can Access All Material In This Series

This is an on-going program, and articles and videos will be added as I extract valuable lessons and insights from over 100 business cases. The program is FREE for now, but could become a paid program later on. Once you have access, you will not be charged for it, if it gets converted to a paid program.